Security Azure Infographic

Security Azure Infographic

Securely harness the power of the cloud with Azure Advanced Threat Protection. This infographic outlines how your organization can trust Azure Advanced Threat Protection as it provides real-time security at enterprise scale, detect threats quickly, and allows your...
Innovate Infographic

Innovate Infographic

Moving Windows Server and SQL workloads to Azure provides flexible, scalable, and highly available cloud infrastructure. It also supports rapid innovation and digital transformation, freeing you to innovate. This infographic presents the benefits of running Windows...
9 tips for meeting with Microsoft Teams

9 tips for meeting with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams enables you to host and participate in more productive meetings and invite anyone on the planet to join you. This makes Teams a perfect solution where you can communicate and meet with anyone inside or outside your organisation – even if they are...
Saving Money with Microsoft Teams

Saving Money with Microsoft Teams

Teams helps companies improve access to information and free up workers to focus on higher-value activities, thus reducing operating costs, accelerating time-to-market, and fostering greater innovation. View: Saving Money with Microsoft Teams