What is digital transformation? A necessary disruption

What is digital transformation? A necessary disruption

Digital transformation, accelerated during the pandemic, is redefining the way companies use technology, people, and processes to apply new business models and discover new revenue streams—while striving to meet constant changes in customer expectations surrounding...
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Risk management best practices

Risk management best practices

Part of the natural landscape of every business is risk—some level of uncertainty that comes from not knowing how events will unfold as you and your team innovate. However, understanding risk management best practices can help anticipate potential issues and develop a...
McCann & MullenLowe – Microsoft Teams Case Study

McCann & MullenLowe – Microsoft Teams Case Study

When bringing two companies together through acquisitions, you are often bringing in a different culture with different technology. This can often make it difficult to efficiently collaborate. Sharing files and streamlining communication is a common problem. Two of...