Data and analytics customer stories

Data and analytics customer stories

By democratising data and analytics, organisations create one source of truth across their business, leading to insights that drive value and better decision making. Charterhouse Holdings uses this to empower employees with the right information, at the right time....
Security Power

Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve,...
Reduce Costs Infographic

Reduce Costs Infographic

While innovation has supplanted cost savings as the primary driver of cloud migration for many businesses, moving to the cloud needs to make sense for your bottom line. Learn about the unbeatable costs offers and benefits of migration to Azure cloud. View: Reduce...
Security beyond Microsoft products

Security beyond Microsoft products

With Microsoft, security can be simple once again. Microsoft 365 provides an intelligent security hub that works seamlessly across platforms, going far beyond Microsoft – to Linux and Mac, to AWS and beyond, so you can manage mission critical workloads with the...